2020Completion Year

625kWInstalled Capacity

$1,184,181.38Project Cost

$511,468.16MCCAC Funding

328tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Action Centre’s Alberta Municipal Solar Program (AMSP), the Town of Westlock installed a 625 kW solar PV system at the Rotary Spirit Centre. The project will reduce facility electricity costs by producing renewable electricity onsite thus lowering the amount of electricity used from the grid. The project was completed in 2020.

Westlock is finding efficiencies with solar PV


The solar PV array installed on the roof of the Town’s recreation complex includes 1,623 x 385 watt DC solar modules (panels) and 5 x 100 kW AC string inverters. It is expected to produce 575,866 kWh of electricity per year, which is enough to offset about 31% of the annual electricity used in the facility. The system cost was financed over a 15 year term with the expected annual electrical cost savings being equal to or greater than the annual payments. After 15 years the annual savings will be available to the Town to use on other priorities, increasing long-term financial sustainability.


The electricity produced is expected to reduce annual electricity costs at the Rotary Sprit Centre by more than $55,000. As electricity on the Alberta electrical grid is produced mostly by natural gas and coal generators, reducing the facility’s grid electricity consumption by 31% will also reduce the facility’s emissions by 328 tonnes per year, which is equivalent to removing 100 passenger vehicles from the road each year of the system’s minimum 25-year expected lifespan.

In 2020, the first year of operation, the Town realized annual electricity savings of $62,436 from the array. This was greater than expected and exceeded their annual financing payment by $15,980.

31% of annual electricity use produced by solar PV array

Here’s what Ralph Leriger and Simone Wiley, Mayor and CAO of the Town of Westlock, had to say about the project and participating in the Alberta Municipal Solar Program:

“With the help of grant funding, we’re able to offset a significant portion of our current energy consumption without having to take dollars away from another area. Solar is an investment in the town’s future and from an environmental and financial perspective, it just makes sense.”

Ralph Leriger, Mayor, Town of Westlock

“Our Council saw the long-term benefits of this project and demonstrated incredible leadership in this decision. This project is good for the Town of Westlock continuing to work towards our long-term approach to the sustainability of the community.”

Simone Wiley, Interim Chief Administrative Officer, Town of Westlock

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