$60M Total funding

$9M Annual savings

$198M Lifetime energy savings

320,550 tonnes of lifetime greenhouse gas emissions (co2e) avoided

$134M of energy related investments catalyzed

972 renewable energy and energy efficiency projects

597 full time equivalent jobs created *jobs related to solar

626 full time equivalent jobs created *jobs related to energy efficiency


Over 160 municipal governments in Alberta created real savings and real change. City, Town, Village, Summer Village, County, Municipal District – no community is too big or too small to participate. 

Upgrading lighting, thermostats, heating and ventilation systems, installing solar PV systems, implementing weatherization measures, integrating electric vehicles into the municipal fleet, and hiring an energy manager – it all adds up to millions of dollars in annual energy savings for Albertans.

Lakeland Métis Community Association – Climate Resilience Action Plan  

Through extensive community interviews, Lakeland Métis Community Association completed a Climate Resilience Action Plan.

Athabasca Landing Métis Community Association – Climate Resilience Action Plan

Athabasca Landing Métis Community Association engaged community members to document changes to Métis ways of life and develop a Climate Resilience Action Plan.

Strathcona County – Climate Resilience Plan 

Strathcona County completed a Climate Resilience Plan and Cost of Doing Nothing Report.