Brazeau County Climate Resilience Action Plan

Brazeau County, through the preparation of this Action Plan, is taking steps towards a safe, prosperous and resilient future. The Action Plan identifies several anticipatory measures to manage priority risks and opportunities anticipated to result from climate change in the area over the next several decades.


Spatial scope – geographic boundaries of Brazeau County.

Operational scope – potential community-wide impacts, which includes impacts to municipal infrastructure, property and services, as well as impacts to private property, the local economy, the health and lifestyle of residents and the natural environment.


16 climate-related risks.

3 risks judged to be priorities requiring immediate action – Overland flooding, water supply shortage/drought, forest fire.


5 climate-related opportunities identified – Increased winter recreation, Increased wetlands, Increased summer recreation, Improved water storage, Increased growing season.

1 opportunity judged to be priority requiring immediate action – Increased growing season.


17 actions identified.

Social Equity

Heat stress on people – Increased risk of heat stress on vulnerable populations due to more extreme heat events.

Opportunity for Indigenous-municipal collaboration. In addition to Brazeau County, the lead party responsible for implementing several actions includes neighbouring municipalities, First Nations, or Metis communities.

Community Engagement

One day workshop with local stakeholders.


Each action includes description of the action, total implementation costs (low – very high), timeframe for implementation (ongoing – long-term), and lead department or organization.

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