Climate Vulnerability and Risk Assessment

Infrastructure must be designed and managed to minimize climate impacts, in order to protect City investments today and into the future, thereby safeguarding social and economic wellbeing. Purpose of this plan is to provide an overall risk map that City infrastructure could face as a result of change. Assist the City in incorporating climate risk and adaptive measures into future decisions around land use planning, building construction, infrastructure assessment, and programming.


Municipal assets in the areas of stormwater; water; wastewater; waste management; community and corporate facilities; electricity; roads, fleets, and transit; air transportation, environment, and emergency management.


7 High Scored Climate Hazards with accompanying actions.

Extreme high summer temperature/Drought (11 actions); Freeze/thaw events (6 actions); Extreme rainfall/Persistent Precipitation (18 actions); Wildfire (3 actions); Ice Accretion (4 actions); Wind Gust (4 actions); Extreme Snowfall (7 actions).


Both a Risk & Opportunity – High Average Summer Temperature (Increase Growing Season)


49 Potential Adaptation Measures identified for each climate hazard, applicability for each municipal asset category is indicated.

Social Equity

Safety and wellbeing of maintenance and operations staff.

Community Engagement

Completed with input from City staff.

During consequence scoring, which took place in workshops, the City of Lethbridge staff were asked how their systems (infrastructure) will behave when exposed to the various climate hazards at their current conditions.


Ongoing monitoring of evolving climate projections to assess resiliency will help to reduce the City’s exposure to the potential of climate driven impacts. Implementing appropriate mitigation measures will reduce the impacts of future climate events and results in climate resilient infrastructure for the future.

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