Municipal Electricity Generation Program – Expression of Interest Form

Municipal Electricity Generation (MEG) Program – Expression of Interest Form

Please review the MEG Program page and complete the following Expression of Interest form as a first step. Submitting the Expression of Interest is a quick, non-committal process that will help determine if your project is eligible.

Once you have completed the form, please select “Submit.” Your submission will be reviewed and you will be contacted by the MCCAC to schedule a follow up meeting with additional information on the next steps to participating in the program.

"*" indicates required fields

Municipality Mailing Address*
Phone number with area code.

Project Information

Facility Address*
Please specify the type of electricity generation system you are considering.
Please include the current planned capacity of the generating unit (Watts), recognizing that it may change as the project proceeds.
Please provide a short description of the proposed project (0-500 characters) – What type of generation are you considering? – Are you in contact with potential installers? – Have you received a quote? If so, what is the estimated project cost or budget? – If solar, where will the panels be mounted? – What is the planned panel orientation? – If mounted on a building, please provide the current age and remaining life expectancy (years) of the facility, as well as the remaining life expectancy (years) of the current roofing.
• The information is being collected under the authority of Section 33 (c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (the “FOIP Act”) and/or in accordance with any applicable agreements in place. All personal information collected is used to respond to your request for participation in any programs and will be used to provide services to all participants. Information may be released to the partners of the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (the “MCCAC”) as necessary for the purpose of carrying out programs, activities or policies under its administration (e.g. research, statistical analysis) or for receiving provincial and/or federal funding. lf you have any questions, contact the Executive Director at
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.