2022Completion Year


$44,454.01Project Cost

29,069kWh/yearElectrical Energy Savings

$4,941.69Cost Savings/year

16tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

2.2 yearsSimple Payback Period

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Action Centre’s Recreation Energy Conservation Program, the City of Calgary completed an LED lighting retrofit throughout the Max Bell Centre.

Max Bell Centre is an ideal venue for large hockey games and other sporting events, as well as trade shows, meetings and more. It has two arenas (Ken Bracko and Max Bel #2). It has registered programs, as well as a free indoor walking track with cardio equipment available.

The project was commissioned in December 2021.

Max Bell Centre is an important community asset serving diverse groups. These improvements will mean a better and more accessible experience for sports participants, cultural groups, families and community partners.”

James McLaughlin, Acting Director of Calgary Recreation


The Max Bell Centre lighting retrofit project included the replacement of 154 metal halides, T8s and CFLs fixtures with 157 LED downlights and low bays. The new LED lamps will provide higher lumen levels at a much lower wattage, thereby reducing the electricity consumption of lighting equipment under the system boundary.


The lighting retrofit resulted in a reduction of 16 tCO2/year and an annual energy cost saving of $4,941.69 thus decreasing electricity costs. There is a 67% GHG reduction from the existing system and a 1% reduction facility-wide from the baseline.

“Investments like these go a long way to ensuring Calgarians have access to quality recreation amenities,” “Max Bell Centre is much more than arenas – it’s a place for the community to gather, host events and stay active.”

Gian Carlo Carra, Ward 9 Councillor

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