2023Completion Year

$333,950Project Cost

$100,000MCCAC Funding

9.35tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Electric Vehicles for Municipalities program the Town of Okotoks purchased two new Olympia Millennium Model E electric ice resurfacers. The Town received $100,000 through the EVM Program to help offset the $333,950.00 project cost.

This project was funded by the Government of Alberta.


The new electric ice resurfacers will be replacing two outdated combustion engine resurfacers. One will be used within the Centennial Area and the other at the Okotoks Recreation Centre. The new ice resurfacers are a welcomed addition to the Towns growing electric fleet which already includes an electric forklift, Greenworks lawn mower, and Polaris EV.


The two new electric resurfacer’s boast several benefits compared to traditional propane/natural gas units:

  1. Quieter – As the new units do not have an engine, they will be quieter to operate.
  2. Cheaper – Electric units run more efficiently and require less annual maintenance.
  3. Safer – The new units will not emit any GHG emissions into the Centennial Arena and Okotoks Recreational Centre, where people will be sitting.
  4. Cleaner – The new units do not produce any GHG emission during operation and have a reduced environmental impact.

“We are proud to add two additional electric ice resurfacers to our electric fleet, which safeguards arena users from toxic air emissions, and supports a healthy recreation environment for our Town,” said Okotoks Recreation Operations Manager, Daniel Robinson. “This purchase also demonstrates the Town’s ongoing commitment to environmental and fiscal responsibility.”

Okotoks Recreation Operations Manager, Daniel Robinson

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