2023Completion Year

$167,000Project Cost

$50,000MCCAC Funding

4.68tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Electric Vehicles for Municipalities program the Town of Vulcan purchased and received a $50,000.00 rebate to help cover the $167,000.00 cost of a new Olympia IceBear electric ice resurfacer. The new electric ice resurfacer will be used in the Vulcan and District Arena.

This project was funded by the Government of Alberta.


The new ice resurfacer will replace an outdated 2006 Olympia Millenum natural gas unit. With a unanimous decision from Vulcan’s council, the Town decided that with the EVM rebate, going electric would be roughly the same cost of purchasing a new natural gas-powered unit.  The remaining costs of the electric resurfacer were split between the Town and Vulcan County.


The new electric resurfacer will be quitter, safer and produce less GHG emissions and exhaust during operation. The Town can also expect lower operational costs and an improvement of air quality and safety for staff and visitors in the area.

The Vulcan Arena is very important to our residents, and this new electric ice resurfacer means we can reduce our carbon footprint and provide better air quality for all our users. We appreciate the support from MCCAC and the Vulcan County to allow for the purchase of this new machine

Mayor Tom Grant

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