2021Completion Year

$936,900Project Cost

$56,301Cost Savings

$688,964MCCAC Funding

4.4Simple Payback Period

332,562kWh/yearElectrical Energy Savings

189tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Action Centre’s Recreation Energy Conservation Program, the Town of Whitecourt replaced the existing ice plant at Scott Safety Centre with a new low volume ammonia system.

The project was commissioned in September 2021.


Located in the Town of Whitecourt, the Scott Safety Centre has two stories with a partial basement. With a gross floor area of approximately 6,364 m2, the facility houses two ice rinks. The existing refrigeration plant that served both the rinks was run by a standalone chiller that was near the end of its expected life. The Town replaced the existing system with a 150-ton low-volume ammonia system that will alleviate the historical problems faced by the arena staff and the previous system that struggled to make and maintain the ice during the warmer fall and spring months.


The Ice plant upgrade resulted in a reduction of 189 tCO2/year and an energy cost savings of $56,301.88/year. The project resulted in a 42% GHG reduction from the existing system and a 20% reduction facility-wide compared to the baseline.

“The MCCAC, their allies, and administrative partners have shown their commitment to energy efficiencies and reducing environmental impacts in our community through their display of cooperation on our partnered project. The support that we have received from their REC grant has added a new key component and equipment to our community that may have otherwise been years in the making.”

Randy Feist, Facility Manager, Town of Whitecourt

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