Action Centre support during COVID-19 pandemic

2-minute read

As COVID-19 evolves it is our hope that you and your loved ones are staying safe and taking precautions to maintain your health and wellbeing. During this time we will continue to provide funding, advisory services, and support while working remotely, honoring the practice of social distancing.

Following in the footsteps of our parent organizations, the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and Rural Municipalities of Alberta, Action Centre staff are largely working from home to mitigate community spread of COVID-19.

Upcoming in-person meetings, business travel, and events scheduled until April 30 are cancelled or postponed. Learn more about these and other changes to upcoming events.

Tip: Updates on the status of conferences and events for municipalities are available from the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and Municipal World.

Connect with us

During this time, we remain committed to providing municipalities, schools, and community related organizations with funding, advisory services, and support. We are available from 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily to answer your calls and emails.

Tip: Contact staff from the Action Centre by emailing

We continue to accept expressions of interest and applications to our programs. We will also post blogs, learning centre resources, send our seasonal newsletter, and share stories of real savings and real change on our website at

Tip: Subscribe to our seasonal newsletter – The Current Climate – before April to receive the next issue.

Upcoming webinars

We are providing more digital ways to connect, by offering webinars to help you continue energy efficiency and renewable energy initiatives:

Greenhouse gas emissions inventories webinar

April 17, 2020, 11 a.m. to noon

Developing a greenhouse gas emissions inventory and forecasting are the foundations of a robust climate change or energy strategy. Inventories reveal how your municipalities/operations consume energy, identify opportunities for mitigation strategies, and provide a baseline to measure progress from.

At this webinar you will receive an introduction to greenhouse gas emissions inventories and hear from a municipality that recently completed an inventory. Discover more about their processes, lessons learned, and future energy management strategies.

Register for the webinar.

Learn more

Alberta is a supportive community. More resources about COVID-19 are available from the Government of Alberta, and the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association has posted useful information about the Alberta Emergency Management Agency.

Thank you for your dedication to building community resilience during this fluid and fast-moving situation. Together we will continue to persevere with initiatives that bring real savings and real change to your municipality.

Last update: March 25

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We are here for you and your community

Stay Connected

Alberta municipalities and their community members are working tirelessly to improve the quality of life in their areas—and we work just as hard to support them every step of the way.

Keep up-to-date with the latest news, tips, case studies and research on how to save money and save the planet.

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