Electric Vehicle Charging Map

As part of the Government of Canada’s Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP), over 325 new EV charging stations will be installed throughout Alberta. As more Albertans begin to drive electric, having adequate charging infrastructure throughout the province is critical.

This map showcases all the new EV charging stations that have received funding through the MCCAC Electric Vehicle Charging Program, SouthGrow Electric Vehicle Charging Program, and the Alberta Municipalities Electric Vehicle Charging Program. Successful applicants to the funding programs include municipalities, institutions, business’s, multi-unit residential buildings, non-profits and Indigenous communities.

BlueFunded by MCCAC Electric Vehicle Charging Program
GreenFunded by SouthGrow Electric Vehicle Charging Program
YellowFunded by Alberta Municipalities Electric Vehicle Charging Program
Level 3 Charger
Level 2 Charger
Under Construction

How to use the map

Toggle between layers. Click on the sidebar icon to toggle layers on and off. You can choose to see what stations are:

  • Funded by the MCCAC
  • Funded by SouthGrow
  • Funded by Alberta Municipalities
  • Level 2
  • Level 3

Learn more about each station. Clicking on a station will allow you to see where the charger is located, the make and model of the charging station, and if its for public use or private use.


Funding for the MCCAC’s Electric Vehicle Charging Program (EVCP) was provided by both the Government of Canada and the Government of Alberta.

Funding for the SouthGrow Electric Vehicle Charging Program (SG-EVCP) was provided by the Government of Canada.

Funding for the Alberta Municipalities Electric Vehicle Charging Program (AB-EVCP) was provided by the Government of Canada and Alberta Municipalities.

Thank you to the University of Lethbridge students (Geography 4700-N Advanced Digital Mapping – Winter 2023) for designing and building this map.

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