2022Completion Year


$53,000.00Project Cost

56,390kWh/yearElectrical Energy Savings

$7,661.85Cost Savings/year

32tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

1.7Simple Payback Period

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Action Centre’s Recreation Energy Conservation Program, the Town of Three Hills completed an LED lighting retrofit throughout the Centennial Place Arena. 

Centennial Place is a municipal-owned public recreational building, including an ice rink area and a two-storey common area. The ice rink was constructed circa 1970 and consists of the ice pad, bleacher seating, commentator booths, changerooms, the Zamboni and ice plant room, and storage areas. The main floor of the two-storey common area includes lobby space, washrooms, custodial areas, offices, and a concession. The second floor includes a viewing area/lobby space, a meeting hall room, washrooms, a boardroom, and custodial spaces. The arena/changerooms have a total floor area of approximately 2,660 m2 of floor space, while the common area addition has a total floor area of approximately 1,530 m².  

The project was commissioned in October 2022. 


The lighting retrofit project included the replacement of 257 T12s, T8s, and metal halide fixtures with an equivalent number of LED T8s and highbay fixtures. The new LED lamps will provide higher lumen levels at a much lower wattage, thereby reducing the electricity consumption of lighting equipment under the system boundary. 


The lighting retrofit resulted in a reduction of 32 tCO2/year and an annual energy cost saving of $7,661.85/year thus decreasing electricity costs. There is a 61% GHG reduction from the existing system and a 6% reduction facility-wide from the baseline. 

“The Centennial Place arena is such a large part of our community; we are grateful for the support received by MCCAC to complete this project that will have a direct benefit on our user groups. This capital investment will play a huge part in the longevity, safety, and capabilities of the facility,”  

Ryan Leuzinger, CAO

“The cost of utilities is one of the largest operating expenses for the arena. The opportunity to operate with energy efficient lighting while enhancing the facility experience is something administration has been working toward in all our recreational facilities”

Kristy Sidock, Director of Community Services

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