2022Completion Year


$11,506.89.00Project Cost

5,553kWh/yearElectrical Energy Savings

$381.30Cost Savings/year

3tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

7.5Simple Payback Period

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Action Centre’s Recreation Energy Conservation Program, the Village of Stirling completed an LED lighting retrofit throughout the Stirling Pool. 

The pool consists of a single building (4,500 ft2 in total floor area) which acts as both the pool building and the Village’s operations offices, an outdoor pool deck, a small area of turf, and the pool itself.  The pool building consists of the main level and a small basement mechanical level.  

The project was commissioned in May 2021. 


The Stirling Pool lighting retrofit project included the replacement of 71 T8s and HPS fixtures with an equivalent number of LED troffers, wall packs and pot lights. The new LED lamps will provide higher lumen levels at a much lower wattage, thereby reducing the electricity consumption of lighting equipment under the system boundary. 


The lighting retrofit resulted in a reduction of 3 tCO2/year and an annual energy cost saving of $381.30 thus decreasing electricity costs. There is a 48% GHG reduction from the existing system and a 4% reduction facility-wide from the baseline. 

“We are grateful to the Municipal Climate Action Centre for their help in funding this project. With their assistance, we were able to have this improvement added to our Capital budget and completed.  Programs like this help small Municipalities do their part to positively impact the climate.”

Scott Donselaar, CAO, Village of Stirling

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