Federation of Canadian Municipalities

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities offers grants for municipal environmental projects. Loans are also available to municipalities at competitive rates, and most recipients receive an additional grant of up to 15 percent of their loan amount. Municipal partners may apply for competitive, long-term financing. Funding amount varies by program.

Funding Streams

Sustainable Municipal Buildings: Funding for high-efficiency new construction of municipal and community buildings, and retrofits of municipal buildings.

Community Energy Systems: Support for the adoption of renewable energy solutions that meet community needs and are aligned with a net-zero future.

Municipal Fleet Electrification: Funding for the electrification of municipal and transit fleets to help municipalities achieve net-zero transportation emissions.

Organic Waste to Energy: Support for communities with established waste diversion programs to generate renewable energy from organic waste streams or landfill gas.

Local Net-Zero Transformation: Funding for innovative projects that have significant GHG reduction benefits and are not eligible under other GMF funding offers.

How to apply

Rolling intake. All municipal governments and partners are eligible to apply.

More info on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities





Rolling intake