Climate Change Vulnerability & Risk Assessment

The Climate Change Vulnerability and Risk Assessment has been completed to expand the Town’s understanding of how municipal assets, infrastructure, and operations are vulnerable to the impacts of climate change and recommend ways to increase resiliency.


Assessment of individual infrastructure components within seven asset systems: Administration and operations centres; Recreation and community centres; Roads; Ecological assets and parks; Stormwater conveyance and drainage systems; Water storage, treatment, and conveyance systems; and Wastewater treatment, storage, and conveyance systems


632 risks across seven asset systems; Administration and operations centres had the highest number of risks, followed by ecological assets and parks, and recreation and community centres.

High risks associated with extreme heat, extreme cold, wildfire, intense rainfall, and flooding.


Recommended adaptation actions and barriers to implementation are provided for each asset system. 5 overall recommendations to support ongoing climate resilience efforts.


One of the five recommendations for continued climate resilience is the development of an Implementation Plan.

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