Community Efficiency Financing (GMF)

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Green Municipal Fund’s (GMF) Community Efficiency Financing (CEF) initiative supports municipalities and partner organizations throughout the life cycle of planning, implementing and expanding local programs for home energy upgrades. Specifically, it unlocks new approaches by utilizing innovative financing models, like property assessed clean energy (PACE), utility on-bill financing and third-party lending. Through a mix of grants, low-interest loans and credit enhancements, CEF encourages innovation through a tailored approach to local programming to address stakeholder needs and community priorities.


Their funding and learning resources can help your municipality achieve the following: • Create, launch and expand innovative financing programs for energy projects in low-rise residential buildings. 3 • Generate triple bottom line benefits: ° Reduce GHG emissions, create energy savings and contribute to climate adaptation, water conservation and health and safety outcomes. ° Accelerate energy cost savings, improve housing affordability and keep the local economy moving. ° Increase home comfort, health and quality of life for residents

How to apply

Rolling intake, open to all municipal governments and partners.

More info on the Community Efficiency Financing (GMF)




Rolling intake