Climate Change Adaptation Plan – Part One

As part of the implementation of priority actions from Environmental Master Plan (EMP), this plan was initiated to understand the predicted impacts on our corporate operations so that we can continue to serve the citizens of Red Deer. It emphasizes corporate action and preparedness around the impacts of climate change. High level, but identifies major categories of actions. Once accepted, next phase is to develop more detailed actions as well as a broad implementation strategy.


Corporate action.


Primary impacts fall into three main areas: 1) warmer, drier summers leading to seasonal drought 2) Increased risk and frequency of severe weather events 3) Increased risk of flooding due to increase in annual precipitation for winter and spring.


5 major action areas:

  1. Business continuity planning
  2. Development and planning standards
  3. Storm water design standards
  4. Parks adaptation of operations to meet eco-system pressures resulting from climate change
  5. Adaptation of operating practices and service levels

List of initiatives already being done that links to each of these 5 themes.

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