The strategy outlines how the City of Edmonton will plan and invest resources to increase our communities’ climate resilience, minimize the exposure of people and assets to the impacts of climate change, and take advantage of new opportunities as they arise. It begins with an examination of climate change adaptation and leads into an outline of the methods Edmonton used for its adaptation planning. An overview of Edmonton-specific climate change science and a brief discussion on the primary impacts that predicted climate changes will have on Edmonton follows. It’s capped with a synopsis of the adaptation actions needed to respond to those impacts.
Community-wide, including City-owned and community assets and services.
Themes of People, Food, Water, and Infrastructure.
Climate Variables Assessed – Changing Temperatures, Changing Precipitation Extremes, Changing Extreme Weather, Changing Ecosystems.
Consequences of climate impacts that require adaptation planning organized into – Human Health and Social Welfare Consequences, Economic Consequences, Urban Infrastructure Consequences, Environment Consequences.
Warmer temperatures could: reduce the number of cold-related injuries and illnesses; encourage more people to use active modes of transportation more frequently; increase tourism and recreation opportunities; increase the viable construction season in Edmonton; lengthen the growing and frost free seasons which could have various benefits, including for local agriculture.
18 actions.
7 Strategic Principles, 5 Paths to Climate Resilience:
Path 1: Science and evidence-based solutions (3 goals, 8 actions),
Path 2: Preparing for changing temperatures (2 goals, 2 actions),
Path 3: Preparing for changing precipitation (2 goals, 3 actions),
Path 4: Preparing for changing weather extremes (2 goals, 2 actions),
Path 5: Preparing for changing ecosystems (2 goals, 3 actions)
Social Equity
Strategic Principle 3: The City of Edmonton will engage and partner with Federal/Provincial governments, regional municipalities, Indigenous communities and key stakeholders to achieve Edmonton’s climate resilience goals.
Strategic Principle 7: The City of Edmonton will take socially inclusive approaches to adaptation and climate resilience.
Considers impacts to health and safety of of individuals, families, workers, and vulnerable groups in Edmonton.
Community Engagement
Stakeholder and subject matter expert approach to engagement was the main source of advice and expertise used in the creation of this plan. Other engagement and outreach efforts are also listed.
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