The Climate Risk Assessment examines the impacts of climate change on Jasper’s localized built, natural, and social/cultural systems. The assessment generally looks out to a future, 30-year time period centered around the 2050s. The purpose of a risk assessment is to identify as many potential risks as possible, not just the highest risks, so that subsequent adaptation actions are focused along a spectrum of short-, medium- and long-term actions that address both those highest risks and those of greatest concern to the community
The risk assessment considers the impacts of climate change on built, natural, and social/cultural systems.
Extreme heat, Freezing rain, Flooding, Wildfires & wildfire smoke, Extreme cold and freeze-thaw days.
Recommended adaptation actions are provided across the Built System (8), Natural System (3), Social System (5), and Economic System (3).
Social Equity
Considerations for vulnerable populations, i.e. Create opportunities for people to access cooling and clean air spaces, with special consideration for vulnerable populations (e.g., the elderly, people with medical conditions, unhoused).
Community engagement
In person and virtual engagement with community members and leaders.
Implementation planning is outside of the scope of this assessment and considered as part of next steps by the community to build on the results of this report. Considerations for future adaptation planning include the development of a climate change adaptation plan. Implementation planning to operationalize the action should include:
- Targets and indicators to drive action and accountability, to be communicated publicly.
- Roles and responsibilities to carry out each of the actions including partnerships with community groups.
- Identification of existing initiatives and resources best suited to drive and align each of the actions.
- Develop a timeline and resource plan for implementation of the actions.
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