Alberta Climate Leaders

The Alberta Climate Leaders program helps elected officials and municipal staff learn, plan and engage on climate action.  

 Alberta Climate Leaders offers programs and tools that integrate adaptation and mitigation strategies—minimizing conflicting efforts and maximizing impact. This approach, often called low carbon resilience, enables communities to act on climate change in an efficient and strategic manner, achieving tangible results while optimizing co-benefits. 

Alberta Municipal Climate Leadership Council

Elected officials are invited to join the Alberta Municipal Climate Leadership Council (AMCLC), a network of peers who share an interest and commitment to climate action at the local level. The current cohort of the AMCLC has been running since September 2022.  

Alberta Climate Leaders Playbook

This playbook outlines easily understood, compelling and standardized actions that are proven to turn the dial on energy and emissions. The Playbook draws on best practices and case studies from across Canada and is tailored into Big Moves specific for the Alberta context. 

Alberta Climate Action Explorer

This free self-service tool allows elected officials and municipal staff to better understand their specific community’s emissions. With built-in quantification of the Playbook’s big moves, it’s a powerful visualization tool for informing climate action priorities and planning processes. 

Staff Peer Networks

Coming Fall 2024

Municipal staff peer networks will:

  • Provide administration with support to help identify shared priorities
  • Create forums for sharing resources, peer and expert guidance
  • Encourage regional and inter-sectoral collaboration

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