Community Generation Capacity Building Program

February 22, 2019. Application intake is now closed. Thank you to all participants for your overwhelming interest!

Providing funding for projects focused on the pre-development of a community generation projects through partnerships and tools.

In 2019, Energy Efficiency Alberta and the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre partnered to administer the Community Generation Capacity Building Program. This program is currently closed to new applications.

Community generation projects must be renewable or alternative energy generation and meet the definition of a Community Generation facility as per the Small Scale Generation Regulation.

Tip: Get to know the difference between micro-generation and community generation.

Types of projects

There were three different types of projects that were eligible for funding.

Type 1: Technical development activities

Type 1 projects included: feasibility assessments, land use agreements, financial assessments, stakeholder engagement, environmental assessments, wildlife studies, drainage studies, hydrological studies, and wage subsidies for a project manager.

Type 2: Partnership development activities

Type 2 projects supported partnerships for the development of a community generation facility. This included: legal services, financial analysis, community benefits agreement or community benefits statement support, or other expenses to establish partnerships.

Type 3: Development of tools and training

Type 3 projects included the development of a tool that could be leveraged by the renewable energy industry to advance community generation facility development.

Tip: Watch the program webinar to learn more about the program.

Successful Applicants

Successful Applicant

Project Description

Lethbridge County

Stewart Siding Solar Farm

This will include land use agreements, feasibility assessments, financial analysis, stakeholder engagement, environmental assessments, and wildlife studies for a solar PV project.

Municipal District of Taber

RenuWell Solar Development Project

Re-purposing abandoned oil and gas infrastructure for small scale generation. This project proposes the creation an inventory of abandoned and orphan leases throughout the MD, rank them according to their value for community solar development and explore the potential of creating co-ops to generate power for irrigation.

Mountain View County

Solar PV Study

Update the existing feasibility study, complete an interconnectivity study and a financial assessment study for a Distributed Generation solar PV system.

Municipal District of Acadia #34

Bull Pound Solar Project

Activities including environmental studies, stakeholder engagement, engineering, technical studies, detailed electrical interconnection studies and regulatory applications to support the development and construction of a specific, community scale ground based solar installation

Pembina Institute for Appropriate Development

Municipal Leadership on Community Generation

The Pembina Institute will develop resource materials and leadership training opportunities to build the capacity of municipal leaders (mayors, chief administrative officers, and interested staff or councillors) to engage in community generation.

Red Deer County

Springbrook Solar Project

To explore the environmental and engineering feasibility of a ground-mounted solar project located in Red Deer County, on Red Deer Regional Airport land.

Renfrew Community Association

Solar Garden

Evaluation for the development of a solar photovoltaic generation facility that can provide power and educational opportunities for the members of the Renfrew Community Association and the City of Calgary.

Town of Banff

Geothermal Exploration Program: Renewable Electricity and Heating Feasibility Study

Feasibility study to explore heat and electricity generation from one or more geothermal energy facilities. Includes: geophysical study, permitting, subsurface analysis, conceptual design, preliminary engineering, economic evaluation, and other.

Town of Hanna

Renewable Energy Resource Inventory

Feasibility study to develop renewable energy resource inventory for the Town of Hanna

Town of Oyen

Solar Project

Activities including stakeholder engagement, environmental assessments, technical studies, detailed electrical interconnection studies and regulatory applications to support the development and construction of a specific, utility scale ground based solar installation.

Village of Longview Community Solar Project

Work including scoping, design, technical studies, community engagement, financial modelling and implementation requirements for a distribution-connected project that is planned to generate power under the Alberta Community Generation Program or to private purchasers of electricity. The solar site offers an ideal location on Village owned land that is accessible by highway on the north-west side of town, with ideal south facing exposure and adjacent to the Fortis grid distribution system running alongside the property.

Vulcan County

Solar Project

Activities including environmental studies, stakeholder engagement, engineering, technical studies, detailed electrical interconnection studies and regulatory applications to support the development and construction of a specific, utility scale ground based solar installation

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