2022Completion Year


$100,643.77Project Cost

$10,114.40Cost Savings/year

52tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

2.5Simple Payback Period

91,949 kWhkWh/yearElectrical Energy Generation

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Action Centre’s Recreation Energy Conservation Program, the City of Beaumont completed an LED lighting retrofit throughout the Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre.   

The Beaumont Sport and Recreation Centre (BSRC) is a multi-use facility located in the heart of Beaumont. The aquatic centre includes a lane swim pool, wading pool, whirlpool and water slide. Gymnasium, NHL-sized arena, a field house with walking track, climbing wall leased space, fitness centre, two multipurpose rooms, two fitness studios, dance studio, two concession spaces, child mind centre and pro shop space.  The aquatic centre is approx 15 years old and underwent some renovations in 2019/ 2020 at the same time as the rest of the building (new) was constructed. Completed in July 2020, the building is 7,775 m square over two storeys.  

The project was commissioned in June 2022. 


The Sport and Recreation Centre retrofit project included the replacement of 150 T8s and CFLs fixtures with an equivalent number of LED low bays and controls. The new LED lamps will provide higher lumen levels at a much lower wattage, thereby reducing the electricity consumption of lighting equipment under the system boundary. 



The lighting retrofit resulted in a reduction of 52 tCO2/year and an annual energy cost saving of $10,114.40. There is an 82% GHG reduction from the existing system and a 5% reduction facility-wide from the baseline. 

“I am excited to see our recreation facilities being upgraded with energy-efficient lighting and fixtures. Our goal with this initiative is to be more energy efficient and think strategically about Beaumont’s carbon footprint, all while helping reduce GHG emissions within our community. I want to provide acknowledgement to Beaumont’s Infrastructure team for spearheading this initiative. I also want to say thank you to the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre for making this a possibility by providing funding programs to rural municipalities which allowed us to have the opportunity to upgrade the BSRC and KNRRC. Together we will help contribute to reducing our carbon footprint within the region as we move towards a better and more sustainable future.”

– Mayor Bill Daneluik, City of Beaumont

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