2022Completion Year

$13,513.00Project Cost

$3,443.82Cost Savings

$10,069.82MCCAC Funding

1Simple Payback Period

28,622kWh/yearElectrical Energy Generation

16tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Action Centre’s Recreation Energy Conservation Program, the Town of Raymond completed an LED lighting retrofit throughout the Raymond Aquatic Centre.

The Aquatic Centre is a 2,322 ft2 facility with a single building that is used for change rooms as well as an outdoor pool. The pool is only operational in the summer months.  

The project was commissioned in January 2021.


The Arena lighting retrofit project included the replacement of T8s, T12s, and metal halide fixtures (95 in total), with 95 new LED linear fixtures, troffers, and wall packs. The LED lamps will provide higher lumen levels at a much lower wattage, thereby reducing the electricity consumption of lighting equipment under the system boundary.


The lighting retrofit resulted in a reduction of 16 tCO2/year and an annual energy cost saving of $3,443.18 thus decreasing electricity costs. There is a 70% GHG reduction from the existing system and a 7% reduction facility-wide from the baseline.

“I’d like to personally thank the MCCAC for their repeated assistance with our energy efficiency projects. Without these programs, it would have been very difficult for our community to achieve the same results, and I’m proud to say that these projects are just the start. Our administration is moving fast to take advantage of unique grant opportunities that are currently available, and the MCCAC has been a steadfast partner in this work. I look forward to celebrating more project completions in the coming months and years.”

-Mayor Depew

“Of course, we want to be a responsible community that does what we can to show leadership on environmental issues, but we have found that this has also provided us significant savings on our day to day operations, and that’s just responsible management,”

-Kurtis Pratt., CAO

“With the MCCAC’s help, we launched a project last year to do energy audits on our Arena and aquatic center which are by far our biggest energy users. That work let us leverage a grant through their Recreation Energy Conservation Program to replace all the lights in these two facilities with high-efficiency LEDs. I’m excited to compare the powers bills.”

-Greg Robinson, Community Development Director

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