2023Completion Year

$116,000.00Project Cost

$3,126.28Cost Savings

$87,000.00MCCAC Funding

9.3Simple Payback Period

664GJ/yearNatural Gas Energy Savings

33tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Action Centre’s Recreation Energy Conservation Program, the City of Brooks completed a one-for-one replacement of two (2) mid-efficiency boilers with high-efficiency condensing boilers operating in parallel to meet facility heating requirements.  

The project was commissioned in March 2023. 


Centennial Regional Arena is a two-story building (with a basement) owned and operated by the City of Brooks. Constructed in November 2008 with a total floor area of 106,795 ft2, the arena contains an indoor ice rink, office spaces, concession stands, and several activity rooms. There are domestic hot water plants and heating plants for the facility and ice rink, as well as an ice rink refrigeration plant. The existing mid-efficient boilers with an annual fuel utilization efficiency (AFUE) of 85% were upgraded to higher efficiency (1.5 MBTU/hr) condensing boilers with an AFUE of 97% which decreases the natural gas required to heat the facility. 


The replacement resulted in a reduction of 33 tCO2/year and an energy cost savings of $3,126.28/year. The project resulted in an 11% GHG reduction from the existing system and a 2% reduction facility-wide from the baseline. 

This new heating system will make things more comfortable for staff and guests, but more important is how it will lower our annual energy costs. It benefits all users when we lower our facility costs and it benefits everyone when we reduce our environmental footprint.

City of Brooks Mayor John Petrie

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