As part of the Electric Vehicles for Municipalities program the City of Camrose purchased a new Olympia Millenium electric ice resurfacer to add their fleet. The City received a total rebate of $49,350.00 for the new ice resurfacer
This project was funded by the Government of Alberta.
The City will be replacing an outdated natural gas ice resurfacer with the new electric Olympia. The new model is driven by four electric motors and is able to provide over 30 floods on a single charge.
This project shows the City’s commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. The City expects the annual operating costs to be one tenth of the previously used natural gas ice resurfacer. The new resurfacer will also improve the air quality within the building by eliminating carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide pollution.
As stewards of our community’s infrastructure, it is crucial that we remain mindful of the environmental impact of our purchasing decisions. By selecting equipment that is powered by alternative energy sources, such as our new electric ice resurfacer, we actively contribute to the well-being of our environment and the long-term sustainability of our city
Kristofer Johnson – General Manager of InfrastructureBy transitioning to electric technology we’re eliminating carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide pollution inside the arenas that’s emitted by the traditional internal combustion engines
Ryan Poole, General Manager of Community Services
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