As part of the Electric Vehicles for Municipalities program the County of Grande Prairie purchased two new fully electric Caryall golf carts. The new carts will be used at the Pipestone Creek Campground. The County received a $9,617.69 rebate to hep offset the purchase of the two new carts.
This project was funded by the Government of Alberta.
The replaced gasoline powered units were reaching the end of their life cycles, so the County took this as an opportunity to receive funding for two units that are more efficient, cheaper to operate, and are more sustainable. The County hopes that the electric units will improve the experience for the campsites guests.
The two new Caryall golf carts align with the County’s commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. The new fully electric units will:
- Have lower fuel costs
- Have lower maintenance costs
- Produce no GHG emissions during operation
- Produce minimal noise during operation
The County has already seen reduced maintenance cost, downtime, and fuel consumption from their brief usage in the 2023 camping season.
The County is always looking for ways to reduce our carbon footprint, we appreciate the support of MCCAC to help us replace older equipment and lower our energy consumption. This initiative aligns perfectly with our commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship
Reeve Bob Marshall
Thanks to the support of MCCAC, we can continue to perform park duties with minimal noise and no emissions, improving the camping experience for our guests while reducing greenhouse gases
Christine Rawlins, Director, Parks & Recreation.
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