2023Completion Year


$65,240Project Cost

3.56tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


As part of the Electric Vehicles for Municipalities program the Town of Blackfalds purchased a fully electric Ford Mach-E. The Town received a $14,000 rebate from the MCCAC as well as a subsidy from Lacombe Ford to assist in the purchase of the vehicle.

This project was funded by the Government of Alberta.


The new all fully electric vehicle will be used by the Town’s Municipal Enforcement Department. The Town believes that implementing electric vehicles as patrol cars is an excellent option as they almost always stay within Town limits and produce no greenhouse gas emissions while idling.

The Ford Mach-E has a range of roughly 400 kilometers and can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.8 seconds.  


The new Ford Mach-E will reduce annual operating costs, through lower fuel costs and reduced maintenance. The vehicle will also help reduce the Town’s annual green house emissions and will promote a more sustainable future. The Town hopes that they can move forward with more EVs in the future.  

We are extremely excited to be at the cutting edge of technology and working towards clean emissions,” said Emergency Management and Protective Services Manager Ken Morrison. “Municipal Enforcement work is well suited for implementing an electric vehicle, with patrol cars remaining within town limits, as it provides a perfect opportunity to ensure the vehicle’s charge is maintained.

Protective Services Manager Ken Morrison

The vehicle will save the town a significant amount in operating costs over many years while also reducing emissions that would typically be emitted by gas vehicles that are traditionally used by enforcement services.

Mayor Jamie Hoover

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