2021Completion Year


$91,863Project Cost

$10,191Cost Savings/year

67tonnes CO2e/year
GHG Reductions

2.3Simple Payback Period

1,356GJ/yearNatural Gas Energy Savings

Greenhouse gas emissions reductions for this project are calculated based on Alberta’s Carbon Offset Emission Factors Handbook Version 2.0


Bonnyville & District Centennial Centre is a recreation centre with 250,000 ft² in Town of Bonnyville, AB. The facility was originally constructed in 2007 and features two ice hockey rinks. As part of the Action Centre’s Recreation Energy Conservation Program, the Town upgraded thirteen (13) furnaces with high efficiency models and three (3) domestic storage water heaters with three instant hot water heaters.

The project was commissioned in May 2021.


The existing arena storage tank water heaters were upgraded to tankless water heaters that are 24% –34% more energy efficient than conventional storage tank water heaters. In addition to that, the 80% efficient furnaces were replaced with 96% efficient condensing furnaces.


The combined ECMs (Energy Conservation Measures) will help save 1,365 GJ of natural gas and 67 tCO2 annually. The upgrade resulted in a 24% GHG reduction from the existing system and 3% reduction facility-wide from the baseline.

“The REC program assessed some of our highest consuming systems – heating systems and hot water systems. Funding through REC allowed us to replace thirteen mid-efficiency furnaces with brand new high-efficiency furnaces, and three standard hot water tanks were replaced with new tankless, on-demand systems.”

Kyle Naylor, Operations Manager

Funded in part by:

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