
  • Small-Scale Biomass District Heating Guide

    Written primarily for local governments and First Nations elected officials and staff to support an active local government and band role in the development of clean energy and a green…

  • Global Sustainable Development Goals

    The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, including Canada, provides a shared blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now…

  • Landowners’ Guide to Wind Energy in Alberta

    This guide is for landowners in Alberta who are considering wind energy projects on their land. Whether you are interested in erecting and owning your own wind turbine, leasing land…

  • Energy Poverty and Equity Explorer

    The Energy Poverty and Equity Explorer tool offers municipalities access to data to help build better understanding energy poverty, and other equity and affordability challenges in communities. This resource helps…

  • Electric Vehicle Strategies

    Looking for electric vehicle strategies? This Learning Centre resource collates examples from a number of locations for easy reference. Please share other strategies with us by emailing Alberta City…

  • Primer on the Transition to Electric Vehicles in Metro Vancouver

    Funded by TransLink and prepared in collaboration with Metro Vancouver, the EV Primer provides regional and municipal decision makers with a guide to support transition to a higher level of deployment of plug-in electric…

  • Fuel Efficiency for Municipal Fleets

    This handbook compiles the latest fuel efficiency and fleet management information in a concise fashion, and provides fleet managers and staff with tangible, implementable approaches to fuel and GHG emission…

  • Certification in Community Energy Management

    The British Columbia Institute of Technology and the Community Energy Association partnered to develop a series of courses in the emerging field of community energy management. Community energy management spans the traditional…