Partners for Climate Protection Spotlight: City of St. Albert

4-min read

The City of St. Albert shares how the approval of their Environmental Master Plan guides goals to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions for the City, its residents and business. 

Milestone Report 

Milestone Status Milestone 5 (Corporate and Community Emissions) 
PCP Member Since: 2010 
Emission Reduction Targets: Corporate: 20% GHG reduction below 2008 levels by 2020 
Community: 6% GHG reduction below 2008 by 2020 

Motivated to balance economic, social, and environmental needs, the City of St. Albert is working to build a sustainable community. To support their Environmental Master Plan, the City of St. Albert works closely with the Action Centre by participating in the Partners for Climate Protection Program.  

The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program supports municipal action on climate change by guiding members, like the City of St. Albert through a five step milestone framework to create lasting sustainable changes. 

Christian Benson, Manager, Environment and Meghan Myers, Community Strategy and Engagement, from St. Albert’s environmental department share examples of the City’s climate achievements and challenges to date. 

Watch: The City of St. Albert discuss how they progressed from planning to implementation of climate action initiatives.  

Key Projects and Results 

Environmental Sustainability Policy 

Sets the overall direction for the City and provides a framework to advance the organization’s and community’s environmental goals. 

Environmental Master Plan 

A long-term community plan that identifies, prioritizes, and sets specific goals and targets for key environmental issues for the City and the community, updated on a five-year basis. 

Energy Conservation Action Plan 

Describes the current state of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in and provides actions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the short-, medium-, and long-term for the City of St. Albert, its residents, and its businesses. 

St. Albert Transit – Electric Buses 

Canada’s first municipally owned, long range, electric buses. The electric buses offer significant cost savings with a cost of $0.09/km for fuel, in comparison to the $0.45/km cost of a diesel bus, paired with a 301 kW Solar installation on transit depot. 

Did you know? The City of St. Albert is an Emerald Award Winner – Government Institution 2020

Community Engagement 

The City supplies residents of the City of St. Albert with a Home Energy Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) which has tools, tips, and strategies to determine how energy is used in the home. They also passed Idle Free Bylaw 16/2017 and Water Conversation Bylaw 22/2015 and promote active living and sustainable transportation every June with Clean Air Day and Bike Month.

Municipal Energy Manager 

The City hired a staff member to guide their facility energy assessments, identify energy saving opportunities, and implement GHG emissions reduction projects.

Tip: The Municipal Energy Manager position is funded by the Action Centre’s Municipal Energy Manager Program, which covers 80% of the salary costs to hire a staff member dedicated to energy work. 

Upcoming Climate Action Projects 

  • 286 kW Solar project on Public Works Building 
  • LED Lighting upgrades at Servus Place Recreation Centre 
  • Feasibility study on electrification of the municipal fleet and EV charging infrastructure 
  • RCMP Building Recommission Pilot Project 
  • Property Assessed Financing through the Clean Energy Improvement Program 

Advice from St. Albert

Dealing with Climate Action Challenges 


Municipal projects require a business case, so it is important to understand how to maximize cost savings while reducing emissions. Take time to understand the financial impact of each climate action. Seek grants whenever possible to help prioritize specific projects and helps make the projects more affordable.  

Tracking change 

To report on changes in GHG emission it is important to establish project-specific baselines. This allows you to measure, monitor, and understand how your actions are progressing. 

Engage stakeholders 

Internal and external stakeholders need to be engaged to foster support on climate action. Clear communication and showcasing successful projects can help increase support for climate action initiatives.  


Sometimes climate action gains and losses are outside of your control. Understanding what aspects of municipal climate action fall into your spheres of control and influence helps to guide doing your part in the global solution to changing climate. 

Your Turn 

Join the Partners for Climate Protection Program.  

Through this five-step Milestone Framework, we will guide you as you take action to reduce emissions in your municipality.  

We help municipalities as the Program’s Regional Climate Advisor, by providing support with advice, tools, workshops, networking opportunities and more.  

Have questions?

We are here for you and your community

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Alberta municipalities and their community members are working tirelessly to improve the quality of life in their areas—and we work just as hard to support them every step of the way.

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