EQUS Micro-Generators RECs

EQUS offers this program in partnership with ReWatt Power to open new revenue sources for micro-generation members. ReWatt Power has developed an innovative web-based platform to streamline a once expensive and time-consuming process of tracking and validating Renewable Energy Credits (RECs). RECs are purchased by major energy consumers to help offset their carbon emissions. Previously, a single micro-generation system producing less than 50 kW of solar power did not generate enough to produce an attractive amount of RECs.

Loan or Tax Break

ReWatt Power’s platform will pool all of the micro-generation together across EQUS’ membership to produce enough RECs to be attractive to credit worthy buyers.

Additionally, they will facilitate the transaction process with these buyers and then distribute the revenue back to EQUS’ micro-generation members that are part of the program in accordance with the percentage of generation they contribute to the pool.

How to apply

Rolling intake of applications, if you meet the requirements:

  • Micro-generators projects that generate more kW than used
  • EQUS Members

Note: Government of Alberta funded projects are not able to sell their RECs.

More info on the EQUS Micro-Generators RECs




Rolling intake