ACE Green Offset Program

Alberta Cooperative Energy (ACE) customers that join the Green Offset Program choose which renewable energy generators to support. They might select a local wind farm, a group of solar or wind micro-generators in their community. Municipalities may register to sell the green attributes of their exported energy. If municipalities have received funding from the Government of Alberta, they cannot sell their green attributes.

Loan or Tax Break

Export green energy to support Alberta Green Energy Generation.

SPARK Certified Green Generators (generators) have the opportunity to sell the green attributes of their exported energy at the current rate of 1.85 cents/kWh. Generators will also continue to receive compensation for their exported energy as they would if they were not registered in the SPARK Green Offset Program. Only the green attributes of the exported energy are registered with ACE in the form of a Green Energy Offset for sale to its customers.

How to Apply

Rolling intake of applications, if you meet the requirements:

  • ACE Member and SPARK Member and Green Generators
  • ACE micro-generators that have received funding from the provincial Energy Efficiency Alberta Residential and Commercial Solar Program are not eligible to sell their offsets anywhere else.

More info on the ACE Green Offset Program



