Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP) – Indigenous Traditional Knowledge

The FHIMP is a five-year program (2023-2028) to help Canadians better plan and prepare for future floods. In partnership with provincial and territorial governments, the FHIMP aims to complete flood hazard maps of higher risk areas in Canada and make this flood hazard information accessible to all Canadians. 

The purpose of the FHIMP Traditional Knowledge Stream Contributions funding is to increase the uptake, validity, and relevance of flood hazard mapping in Indigenous communities, as well as to facilitate the exchange of knowledge between Indigenous and scientific practices related to flood mapping.

The contribution fund will support the development of tools to support communities, traditional knowledge studies, and rights-based engagement processes.

For this Announcement of Opportunities, FHIMP will fund projects that focus on the following activity stream:

Core Activity Stream – Indigenous Traditional Knowledge

  • Tools to support Indigenous participation in flood hazard mapping and emergency management.
  • Traditional knowledge studies to support flood hazard identification and mapping.
  • Engagement processes to identify impacts of flooding on Indigenous communities and lands.
  • Capacity Building Opportunities for Indigenous Communities.

FHIMP will fund up to two (2) projects per year, providing a maximum of $125,000 per fiscal year, per Project. Proponents will not be funded for more than one Project. Funding is only available for Projects starting on or after May 15, 2024, and completed on or before March 31, 2027

Please refer to the FHIMP Announcement of Opportunities Project Guidelines 2024-2027 – Indigenous Traditional Knowledge for more program information, project requirements and the proposal template.

Interested proponents are invited to submit a Proposal to FHIMP no later than February 28, 2024 – 15:00, Eastern Standard Time

Download the Announcement of Opportunities documentation, (PDF 467 KB)

More info on the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP) – Indigenous Traditional Knowledge


