Growing Canada’s Community Canopies initiative (GCCC)

The Green Municipal Fund will launch its Growing Canada’s Community Canopies (GCCC) initiative in Spring 2024. The new initiative is currently under development and will support the planting of trees in and around communities across the country.

GCCC will provide communities with tree-planting grants and strategic grants for planning and operational support. Through a partnership with Tree Canada, funding recipients and urban forestry practitioners will receive special support, services and knowledge to inform their tree species and site selection with consideration for biodiversity and climate.

Additional information will be provided once available.

GCCC will be funded through the Government of Canada’s 2 Billion Trees program and is a further expansion of GMF’s mandate to focus on nature-based climate solutions.

More info on the Growing Canada’s Community Canopies initiative (GCCC)



Jan. 18, 2024; May 16, 2024; Sept. 19, 2024