More ways for schools to access funding for solar

1-minute read

There are now more ways for Alberta Public School Authorities to see real savings and real change through the Solar for Schools Program. Receive funding to install solar on schools to generate power, teach students about renewable energy, and reduce your environmental impact.

Since late 2018, the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre has provided Public School Authorities in Alberta funding to cover up to 50% of costs for the installation of grid-connected solar PV systems on schools or land through the Solar for Schools Program.

What has changed?

Effective immediately, the cap of 30% on the number of participating schools within an eligible School Authority, has been removed. Moving forward, eligible School Authorities can complete projects on all schools within their jurisdiction. The maximum rebate of $3,000,000 in incentives per School Authority remains in effect.

Additionally, new school construction projects are now eligible to participate in the program. Previously, the Solar for Schools Program was only available for projects being installed on existing school facilities or land. School Authorities can apply up to $1,500,000 of the $3,000,000 incentive maximum towards new school construction projects.

Tip: Read our blog post about 3 reasons why solar is right for your school.

Who can participate?

As always, schools within the province of Alberta, that serve Kindergarten (K) and/or a sub-set of grades 1-12, and report to School Authorities classified as Public, Separate, Francophone, and Charter by Alberta Education, are eligible to participate.

Check your eligibility here.

Installing a solar PV system will:

  • generate free power for the solar system’s entire 25+ year life,
  • reduce your utility bills so you can reinvest those savings into other priorities across your schools,
  • provide a practical learning experience about renewable energy and climate change for students,
  • demonstrate your school authority’s commitment to sustainability and social responsibility.

Get started!

If this program sounds right for your School Authority, submit a non-committal Expression of Interest today. Learn more or contact the Action Centre staff to get your questions answered.

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