Vulcan Curling Club Retrofit
Project Municipality Type: Town
New supports offered through the Climate Resilience Capacity Building program
The Municipal Climate Change Action Centre (MCCAC) is participating in the Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ Green Municipal Fund Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation capacity development partner grants. These grants help…
Celebrating Climate Resilience
As the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre marks the official closure of the Climate Resilience Capacity Building (CRCB) Program, we are looking back at some of the program results and…
Empowering Municipal Staff to Manage Energy
The Municipal Electricity Generation Program (MEG) provides rebates to Alberta municipalities to install grid-connected alternative electricity generation systems like solar or combined heat and power units on municipally owned facilities or land.
Generate your own power with the new Municipal Electricity Generation Program
The Municipal Electricity Generation Program (MEG) provides rebates to Alberta municipalities to install grid-connected alternative electricity generation systems like solar or combined heat and power units on municipally owned facilities or land.
Four municipalities selected to participate in the Roving Energy Manager Program
The Roving Energy Manager program offers free energy management services and funding for project implementation to support these communities in navigating the complex energy efficiency landscape.
Back by Popular Demand: The Municipal Energy Manager Program
Municipalities now have access to funding to hire a dedicated municipal energy manager. Energy managers develop energy management plans, implement energy-saving opportunities, and drive tangible energy and GHG reductions in their municipalities.
Energize Your Community’s Future with the Roving Energy Manager Program
This Roving Energy Manager program is designed to help small municipalities navigate the ever-changing energy efficiency landscape.
Gathering Together for Climate Resilience
After two years of online meetings, the Climate Resilience Capacity Building (CRCB) Program Community of Practice is gathering in person for the first time at the upcoming CRCB Community of Practice Symposium.
Municipal Climate Adaptation Plan Spotlight: Lacombe County
How are municipalities in Alberta planning to adapt to climate change? Our Database of Municipal Climate Adaptation Plans is a hub of municipal assessments and adaptation plans, including Lacombe County’s…
Understanding the Foundation for Transformation
Alberta Municipal Climate Leadership Council to explore the relationship between individual change and social change. “How do we transform at the scope, scale, speed and depth that is called for…
Electric Vehicle Charging Map
As part of the Government of Canada’s Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program (ZEVIP), over 325 new EV charging stations will be installed throughout Alberta. As more Albertans begin to drive…
Joad Clement: He’s got your numbers
A bachelor of mechanical engineering by training, Joad Clement is a long-time sustainability professional with experience on wind farms, performing residential EnerGuide audits, and corporate-scale energy analytics. He has served…
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