Myth Busting: Electric Vehicles in Alberta

Category: Energy Efficiency

  • Action Centre support during COVID-19 pandemic

    As COVID-19 evolves we hope that you are staying safe and taking precautions for your health, while we continue to provide funding, advisory services and support.

  • More ways to access electric vehicles

    There are now more ways for municipalities in Alberta to see real savings and real change through the Electric Vehicles for Municipalities Program.

  • How energy management works

    Ever wonder how much energy your municipality uses? Start managing energy to make your municipality’s operations more efficient, find cost savings, and reduce your environmental impact.

  • Six municipalities will pilot the Municipal Energy Champions Program

    Congratulations to the municipalities accepted to the Municipal Energy Champions pilot program.

  • How greenhouse gas emissions are measured

    Measuring greenhouse gas emissions is a crucial component of sustainability policies and smart decision-makings.

  • A decade of climate action in Alberta

    Over the past ten years, the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre has implemented funding opportunities and advisory services focused on renewable energy and energy efficiency.

  • 5 electric vehicle myths busted

    People can travel further, reduce costs, and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with electric vehicles. This post puts 5 common myths about electric vehicles in Alberta to rest.